Today we continued to work on our Super Hero and started the 10 in one picture. We also learned about the Spot Healing, Healing, and Clone tool. You will also need to go to You Tube and find a cool tutorial of something you want to learn in Photo Shop. You will need to post the before and after picture of the tutorial you did in PhotoShop
Today we finished our fruit person, bookmarked this website in our IGoogle accounts and started our Super Hero. The assignment, take a new picture of yourself and create a new super hero. Use the skills you have learned to work on this assignment. You will also need to answer the following questions in your blog. This is due by the end of class today. 1. What tools and skills in Photoshop did you use when completing the Fruit Person assignment? 2. What other ways could you use the tools that you have learned so far in Photoshop? 3. What is resolution and why is it important? 4. What are Pixels? 5. How do Pixels and resolution relate to each other? 6 .What is the difference between a raster and vector image? Today you are working on your Fruit Person. Make sure you flatten your layers and also go to blending options to make your fruit look like it is part of your body and not just placed.
Today we found a picture of the sky with clouds, moved our shoe that we took the background out of to the clouds. Then we added wings and used the blend mode to make it look more realistic. We also posted this picture to our website under Photoshop.
Today we learned how to use the Quick Selection Tool. We also took a full length picture of each student to use in a future assignment. We removed the background from a picture of fruit and started removing the background from a picture of a Nike
Today we started our own website. We will use the site to create an online Portfolio of the things we learn in class.
We also started blogging about the Principles of Design. Today's blog was about color. We blogged about our favorite color, why we liked it, what meaning it sent and it's complimentary color. |
October 2014
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